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(《加拿大和世界报道》记者Peter Morgan 多伦多独家报道)加拿大多伦多市长补选从2023年5月拉开帷幕,6月8日至13日上午10点到晚上7点是提前投票日期,6月26日为最后投票日。目前,竞选活动正如火如荼地进行中。

根据多伦多市政府网站(https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/elections/by-election/by-election-candidate-list)公布,在 5 月 12 日报名截止日期之后,共有 102 名候选人成功登记参加多伦多市长补选。多伦多市政府的一份新闻稿显示,这是合并后的多伦多市登记的市长候选人人数最多的一次,超过了 2014 年市长选举中 65 名候选人的纪录。 在 2022 年的市长选举中,有 31 名经过政府认证的多伦多市长候选人。

记者发现,在今年的102位市长候选人中,通过英文姓名判断,约8名为华人华裔(Chan, Roland、Chow, Olivia、Gao, Feng、Gong, Xiao Hua、He, Heather、Tang, Weizhen、Wei, Yuanqian、Yan, Nathalie Xian Yi)。其中,包括加拿大原金融企业家、社区活动家、慈善家唐炜臻。





6月23日,国际著名通讯社美联社( Associated Press)以“市长候选人唐炜臻:为多伦多带来经济繁荣的承诺”(Mayoral Candidate Weizhen Tang: Promising Economic Prosperity for Toronto )为题发布了他的英文竞选新闻,美国雅虎新闻(Yahoo.com)、美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )等著名美国新闻媒体,美国全国和地区新闻媒体如《今日政治动态》(Political Updates Today)、《全球金融观察家》(Global Finance Observer)、《金融市场网络》(Financial Markets Network)、《现代金融在线》(Modern Finance Online)、《货币银行与我》(Publishers Post Observer)、《全球金融导报》(Global Finance Herald)、《金融科技世界邮报》(Fintech World Post)、《美国商业时报》(American Business Times)、《世界政治报告》(World Politics Report)、《今天的银行业》(Today in Banking)、《政治信使》(The Political Ledger)、《全球政治记者》(Global Politics Reporter)、《今日金融业》(Finance Industry Today)、《投资者新闻更新》(Investor News Updates)、《今日法律》(Today in Law)、《今日金融》(Today in Finance)、《世界财富杂志》(World Wealth Journal)、《选举邮报观察员》(Elections Post Observer)、《政治记者在线》(Political Reporter Online)、《政府每日评论》(The Government Daily Review)、《竞选和选举新闻》(Campaigns & Elections News)、《金融时报公报》(Finance Times Gazette)、《经济新闻稿》(Economy Press Releases)、《今天的商业》(Today in Business)、《投资者世界评论》(Investor World Review)、《图书世界公报》(Book World Gazette)、《世界出版评论》(World Publishing Review)、《全球政治观察家》(Global Political Observer)、《个人财富指南》(Personal Wealth Guide)、《我的选举日记》(My Election Journal)、《美国金融论坛报》(American Financial Tribune)、《给选民的新闻》(News For Voters)、《政治新闻观察》(Political Press Watch)、《今日美国出版商》(American Publisher Today)。



美联社新闻( Associated Press)




与此同时,近30家加拿大英文媒体如《加拿大内幕人士》(Canadian Insider)、《加拿大标准》(Canada Standard)、《渥太华新闻》(Ottawa News)、《多伦多电讯报》(Toronto Telegraph)、《蒙特利尔新闻》(Montreal News)、《温哥华之星》(Vancouver Star)、《埃德蒙顿新闻》(Edmonton News)、《卡尔加里新闻》(Calgary News)、《不列颠哥伦比亚省邮政》(BC Post)、《埃德蒙顿新闻》(Edmonton News)、《CEO》、《加拿大图书世界》(Book World Canada)、《今日加拿大商业》(Canadian Business Today)、《加拿大政治杂志》(Political Journal Canada)、《加拿大金融杂志》(The Canada Finance Journal)、《加拿大新闻在线》(Canadian News Online)、《加拿大记者》(The Canadian Reporter)、《加拿大在线新闻网》(Canada Online News Network)、《加拿大政府新闻》(Canadian Government in the News)、《加拿大新闻杂志》(Canadian News Journal)、《今日加拿大》(Today from Canada)、《加拿大先驱论坛报》(Canadian Herald Tribune)、《来自加拿大的新闻》(News From Canada)《加拿大时报杂志》(Canadian Times Journal)、《加拿大新闻杂志》(Canada News Journal)、《枫叶时代》(Maple Leaf Times)、《贝街新闻》(Bay Street)等近30家加拿大英文媒体也进行了报道。







1996年,唐炜臻决定进入金融界,创办了唐炜臻公司(Weizhen Tang & Associates, Inc.)。从4000加拿大元的小额资金起步,唐炜臻的公司经历了稳定增长,在一年内达到了令人瞩目的400万加拿大元。他的金融才智引起了加拿大投资公司Gorinsen的注意,双方成功合作,为零售投资者进行股票投资。尽管面临1997年亚洲金融危机的挫折,唐炜臻表现出坚韧精神,并偿还了合作伙伴和客户的损失。唐炜臻作为金融专家的声誉不断提高,2006年出版了他的书籍《我的巴菲特财富之路》(中文版)和2018年出版的《华人巴菲特》(英文版)。








Mayoral Candidate Weizhen Tang: Promising Economic Prosperity for Toronto

Peter Morgan
Canada & World Report

Weizhen Tang, a biologist, academic, and financial entrepreneur, has recently announced his candidacy for the mayoral race in Toronto. With a bold promise to revitalize the city’s economy, Tang is determined to “Make Toronto rich again.” Drawing upon his unique life experiences and success in the financial sector, Tang believes he possesses the necessary skills to lead the city towards economic prosperity.

Tang, a graduate of Central South University of Forestry and Technology in China, excelled as an assistant professor of microbiology. His journey continued as a visiting scholar at the University of Ohio, culminating in a Master’s Degree in Biology from the University of Waterloo in 1992. Tang’s expertise flourished as a researcher, unraveling human genetic diseases at prestigious institutions in Toronto.

In 1996, Tang decided to venture into the finance world and founded Weizhen Tang & Associates, Inc. Starting with a modest fund of $4,000 CDN, Tang’s firm experienced steady growth, reaching an impressive $4 million within a year. His financial acumen captured the attention of Canadian investment firm Gorinsen, leading to a successful partnership in making stock investments for retail investors. Despite facing setbacks in the Asian financial crisis of 1997, Tang displayed resilience and reimbursed the losses of his partners and clients. Tang’s reputation as a financial expert continued to flourish, and in 2006, he published his book “My Way to Buffettian Wealth” (Chinese edition) and “The Chinese Warren Buffett” (English edition) published in 2018.



In 2007, Weizhen Tang Financial Corp. was established in Toronto, followed by the official approval of Weizhen Tang Corp. by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) as a registered professional financial and limited market dealer in 2008. Tang’s commitment to community involvement was evident through his active participation in charitable activities, including supporting disaster relief efforts in China and local community initiatives.

However, Tang’s journey faced a setback during the global financial crisis. By 2009, his assets under management had reached nearly 60 million Canadian dollars, but unfortunate market circumstances led to the loss of his funds and faced legal challenges. Even today, Tang still maintains his innocence for the treatment he experienced.

Following his complete freedom in 2017, Tang became determined to utilize his rich life experiences for the betterment of Toronto. He strongly believes that the city requires effective leadership to address its political, economic, and social challenges. Drawing inspiration from former Mayor Mel Lastman, Tang emphasizes the importance of having business-oriented individuals in city council positions rather than mere “talk show” stars.

With Toronto facing a significant deficit of 1.5 billion dollars and an immediate challenge of 880 million dollars in 2023, Tang has unveiled his ambitious campaign platform. He aims to generate 10 billion dollars for the city within a year by investing in US equity index ETFs, specifically SPY. This investment strategy is intended to replace all property taxes, cover free TTC services, and address the deficit. Additionally, Tang promises to restore trust, preserve culture and passion, and prioritize the happiness and well-being of Torontonians.

Tang’s vision extends beyond Toronto’s borders, as he advocates for strengthening international cooperation with the United States, China, and other countries. He envisions Toronto as a model of international collaboration, highlighting China’s potential as a valuable partner for global economic development.

Tang’s candidacy has sparked both support and skepticism within the city. While some admire his entrepreneurial spirit and determination, others question his ability to effectively govern based on his past legal troubles. Nevertheless, Tang remains resolute in his belief that his experiences will greatly benefit Toronto’s management and propel the city towards a prosperous future.

The highly anticipated Toronto Mayoral By-election is nearing its conclusion, with June 26 marking the last day for eligible voters to participate in this pivotal democratic event.

Throughout the campaign, candidates have engaged in spirited debates, showcasing their visions for the future of Toronto. The electorate has been actively following the discussions, weighing the merits of each candidate’s proposals and platforms.

As the deadline approaches, it is crucial for all eligible voters to exercise their democratic right and have their voices heard. The outcome of this by-election will shape the future trajectory of Toronto, impacting various aspects of governance, infrastructure, and community development.



  • 本文由 洪门通讯社 发表于 2023-06-2608:40:45
  • 转载请注明:https://news.hongmen.tv/news/2023/06/26/13680.html


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